Coin Operated Internet/Business Kiosks

We can provide your Hotel or Resort with a very highly featured and advanced Coin Operated Internet/Business Kiosk service which will allow your guests to be able access email and the internet plus many more usefull features and functions.. (see below)

The service itself is totally free and it costs your Hotel/Resort nothing at all to have, and infact we will actually pay you while the service operates at your location..

We will provide all the equipment, install it, run and maintain it, and will actually pay your Hotel or Resort a percentage of the gross takings under a profit share agreement while the service runs on your site..

Our Internet/Business Kiosk service is the most feature rich and the most advanced that is available in Australia and there is currently no other Internet Kiosk service provider which has a system with the same amount of raw features...

Our systems are also extemely safe and sercure to use and guests can feel quite safe in doing internet banking, or making online transactions as all users personal data and cookie history is deleted off the hardrive between each user session.

Also there a few other levels of protection built into our systems to prevent virus's and worms from being able to install on the system, withthe final layer giving 100% protection as essentially the harddrive is completety wiped and rebuilt once a day giving a 100% security gauntee...

As far as service uptimes are concern we pride ourselves in having extremely reliable Internet Kiosks, and faults and break downs are quite rare very infequent as we use all the latest quality componentary in our systems and keep everything constantly maintained and updated unllike some other service providers .

We know the high demands and service levels that are required by the Hospitality industry, and as such if breakdowns or techical problems do ever occur with our Internet Kiosk service we will respond promptly on either the same day, or the first thing the following morning..



Features and Functions ......

Basic features ...

Full Internet Browsing

Includes all web plugins eg… java , flash , shockwave, video streaming , PDF   

Email    (access to your Pop3 email, aswell as webmails)..



MSN Messenger    (webcam enabled)       “VERY POPULAR”

ICQ Messenger    Online chat

AOL Messenger    Online chat

Yahoo Messenger   Online chat

Video Conferencing.      (via webcam , talk like a Video Phone using MSN messenger)    

Skype Internet Phone ..

Talk PC to PC ,  or PC to Phone via the Headset..  (can do International calls )  eg  cost 4 cents per minute to call America from the Kiosk..


 Business and Corperate features.....

Word ....

Be able to open , create , edit , Print , save to floppy disk/ CD burner/USB key/Memory Card ,or  send as email attachment..

Excel  ....

 Be able to open ,create , edit , Print , save to floppy disk / CD burner/USB key/Memory Card , or send as email attachment)

Power Point viewer   Preview PSS files

Adobe PDF reader   Can also Print out PDF documents..

Desktop Publisher    (make quick flyers , brochures , presentations )    

XP Remote desktop Terminal Services Login  ...

 Allows Corporate guests to be able to remotely access theirs computer back at their office while on the run ..

VNC Viewer ..

Allows Corporate guests to be able to remotely access their computers via VNC ..

Advanced Calculator   (full scientific calculator)


Multi-Media features .....

Digital Camera Photo manager  ...

Save or Burn pictures from Digital camera to CD, Send them via email , or even print them out by retiving files from the built in 12 in 1 memory card reader..

Apple Quicktime  View real-media video streams in web browser

Real Player   View real-media video streams in web browser

Windows Media Player  View video streams in browser, play DVD movies and Mp-3’s

Send a Video Email         (via the webcam)      

Send a Photo Email         (via the webcam)      

Send an Audio Email       (via the microphone) 



Arcade quality Games … Unreal Tournament ,   Ricochet ,  TM Sunrise Driving plus many other titles..


Hardware Specifications.....


Uses latest PC hardware . Uses very fast 3.0 + Ghz cpu’s, and high end Video cards

Flat panel monitor ..

Big large modern 19 “  flat panel TFT monitors . (very big display , look great)

CD/DVD player burner ...

Burn files to CD, load files from CD/DVD, send off email attachment files from CD/DVD..

Floppy drive 

Save files to floppy , load files from floppy, send off email attachment files from  floppy

Laser Printer ..  

Print out WebPages , eg Airline Schedules etc etc , print out Word / Excel , PDF doc’s ,  Print out emails ..

Web Cam  ....

Chat to friends and family via Messenger Video Phone , or send a Video Email postcard..

Headset + mic  Listen to audio , plus use for Skype Internet Phone and Messenger..

12 in 1 Memory card reader.

Takes all common digital camera memory cards, lets guests view their digital camera pictures, be able to copy or delete them , or send them off to family and friends via email attachments, or even burn them to CD..  

USB Port ...

Many people now use USB flash drives which they can plug into the system and access..